Minecraft Xbox One Edition Tutorial World Shulker Box
18 Mar 2017 18 Mar 2017
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As of March 18, 2017, there is a tutorial world that has plenty of materials to make the beacon. However, there is a way to duplicate the iron blocks and you don't even have to do anything super special. One thing to note is that this only works when you first load up the tutorial world, as reloading the world removes the tutorials, and you need them to do this "glitch".
Load up a brand new tutorial world, then go to the iron golem building area (X -30, Y 80, Z -80) and notice the pop up saying "In this area are some pumpkins and blocks to make a Snow Golem and an Iron Golem." Open the chest and take the 6 iron blocks out, then back away from the chest and just outside of the area. Then walk back in and the pop up will show up again. Do not hit , just open the chest while the dialog is up and the iron blocks respawn. Loot, then leave the chest, and hit
to get rid of the dialog. Back out of the area, then go back in. Repeat until you have at least 2 and a half stacks of iron blocks. If you want, you can continue to get more if you like, I'd get 3 stacks. If you want to keep from being in the dark, there is a safe bed you can sleep in at (X -17, Y 82, Z -105). If you don't think you will make any mistakes, you can forgo getting an iron pick axe, but I like to have it to be safe. If you want to make one, go to the chest outside of the bed location and grab 2 sticks from the banner crafting chest.
Go to the beacon at (X -16, Y 75, Z -52) and grab the 5 iron ingots out of the chest. You can use these at any of the crafting tables all over the place to make an iron pick axe in case you mess up. There is one along with 6 steaks of food in a chest at (X -11, Y 82, Z -3). With this pick you can grab the beacon off of the top of the beacon that is already there, but you can also punch the item frame above the door, there is a beacon in that. From here, you just need to find a location that will let you do the 9X9, 7X7, 5X5, then 3X3 pyramid and put the beacon on top of that. You really don't need the pick axe if you are careful. I would suggest the Elytra area after removing the gold pressure plate because this is a 13X13 area without anything in the way. The center point of this is at (X -16, Y 85, Z -119). If you happen to need more blocks, go back to the golem tutorial and repeat the process to get more.
The reason that this works is because the coding of the tutorial world allows you to learn about how the systems work, and harasses you with the tips even if you make them go away. When a new pop up loads to help you, it reloads the chest. If you make the dialog go away the items still respawn, but you must get the dialog box to come back to respawn the items. This allows you to get an infinite number of these items so long as you do not break the chest. If you reload the world after it has saved, it will stop the tutorial dialogs from coming back and it won't respawn the items.
Comment if you have any questions or comments about this, including when this no longer works for you, as they have been updating the game often and might break this method. I've tried to make this as easy as possible to follow, but keep in mind this will ONLY work in the tutorial world on first creation. If you want to make the beacon in your own world you will have to do it the old fashioned way by getting the materials and defeating a wither.
Also, I was having trouble getting achievements to show up for me, so if it doesn't pop, check your unlocked achievements in the app on the left to see if this unlocked for you without fanfare. After I checked it, it finally did show up about a minute later.
Edit: Currently in the process of uploading a 5 minute video showing how to make this work.
Edit 2:
Minecraft Xbox One Edition Tutorial World Shulker Box
Source: https://www.trueachievements.com/viewcomment.aspx?commentid=1077060
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